Scratch is a block-based programming language designed especially for kids and beginners. This scratch tutorial is for young learners who want to start their coding journey and want to create their own games, animation and even interactive stories. This tutorial will demonstrate why scratch is a great choice for kids to get started with their coding journey.
What is Scratch?
Scratch is a high level block based programming platform made for kids to learn about basic programming concepts. It uses a colorful interface making programming fun and interactive for learners. It is a great platform for kids as they can create different projects like stories, animation and games that can be shared with the scratch community globally and get feedback or even a chance to collaborate with others. You can use this platform online https://scratch.mit.edu or download for offline use.
Getting Started with Scratch
All you need to do is create your free account from their website and you’re ready to create your very first code. Let’s start step by step:
Step 1: Create a Scratch Account
Visit their website and create a free account that will enable you to save and share the projects with the Scratch community.
Step 2: Understanding Scratch
These are the key interface on Scratch you should be familiar with before creating a project
- Stage: Stage is a big box on the right where all your codes come to life (output), you can add backgrounds, sprites (characters) of your choice on the stage.

- Sprite List: Sprites are the characters or objects that you can use on your projects. Think of it as a way to organize all your sprites or objects in your games or animation.
- Blocks: These are the blocks that you will use as a code. To create a code for an animation or games multiple code blocks are put together to get the final output.

- Coding Area: This is the place where you’ll drag the coding blocks and put it in the coding area to build your script as shown in picture.

- Events: Events in Scratch are like triggers for your animation or games that make things happen or we can say they make our character come to life. For example:
- When Green Flag Clicked
- Keyboard event
- Broadcasting and Receiving messages
- Mouse Events
- Basic Scripting:
- Motion and Looks: Moving and changing the appearance of sprites
- Sound and Music: Adding background sound or music in your animation or games.
- Variables: In scratch variables are used to store data such as numbers to make your projects more interesting.
- Control Flow:
- Loops: Loops are used when you want a certain action on repeat.
- Conditional Statements: If you want a certain action to happen only when some certain event occurs then conditional blocks are used.

Scratch Programming for Beginners: Create Your First Project

Here you’ll find a complete beginner friendly scratch project tutorial where we will be creating a “Chasing Game”. So, let’s dive into the steps:
Step 1: Set up your Scratch Project
- Log in to scratch account and start a new project. Click here
- Once you’re logged in delete the default cat sprite, since we will add our own. To delete the sprite, look at the bottom right corner there you’ll see your sprite right click on it and delete.

Step 2: Add Sprites ( Cat & Mouse)
- Create Sprite: Look at the bottom right corner and click on the blue cat icon to select your desired sprite.
- Choose a sprite:
- Mouse (Player): This sprite will be controlled by the player

- Cat (Chaser): This sprite will follow the mouse automatically.

Step 3: Create a Variable for the Score
- Open Variable Block: Go to the variable section in Scratch on the left side of the editor interface.
- Make a score variable: Click on “Make a Variable” and name it “Score”. This will help to track your game score.
Step 4: Make the Mouse Move with Arrow Keys
- Click on the mouse sprite to add the code for its movements.
- Drag the “When Green Flag Clicked” from the Events section
- Use the “Forever” block so the movement works continuously.
- Inside it, add “If” blocks for each arrow key (up, down, left, right).
- Set directions:
Up Arrow → Move up
Down Arrow → Move down
Right Arrow → Move right
Left Arrow → Move left
Step 5: Make the Cat Chase the Mouse
- Click the Cat sprite
- Start with the “When Flag Clicked” block.
- Use a “Forever” loop to keep the cat moving.
- Inside it, add:
- “Point Towards Mouse” → So the cat faces the mouse.
- “Move 4 Steps” → To make it move closer
- To end the game drag and drop the Inside the Forever block and add:
- “If touching Mouse?” → To check if the cat catches the mouse.
- “Say Gotcha! for 2 seconds” → To display a message.
- “Stop All” → To end the game.
Now, the cat chases the mouse and ends the game when it catches it!
Step 6: Add a Background
- Click on the “Choose a Backdrop” button on the bottom right corner
- Select any fun background like Jungle, Maze, or Blue Sky.
Step 7: Test Your Game!
- Click the Green Flag to start.
- Use the arrow keys to move the mouse.
- Try to avoid getting caught by the cat!
- See if the cat’s speed increases over time!
Step 8: Share Your Game!
- Click “Share” on Scratch and send it to friends!
- Challenge them to beat your high score
Final Thoughts
Congratulations! You just created a fun Chasing Game in Scratch! This project taught you:
- Basic movement & controls
- Loops and conditions
- Sensing and interaction
Want more fun Scratch projects? Contact mero coding class for guidance.
Scratch Tutorial – FAQs
What is Scratch?
Scratch is a beginner-friendly, block-based programming language that allows users to create interactive games, animations, and stories. It’s perfect for kids and beginners to learn coding.
Do I need to install Scratch to create a game?
No, you can use Scratch online for free at scratch.mit.edu. However, you can also download the offline version if you prefer to work without an internet connection.
How do you explain Scratch to a Child?
There are plenty of resources available to help kids learn Scratch programming, including:
- Scratch Official Website: The Scratch platform provides a wide range of tutorials, sample projects, and learning materials for beginners.
- Online Courses: Various e-learning platforms, such as Mero Coding Class offer interactive Scratch programming courses tailored for kids.
- Books and Tutorials: A variety of books and guides provide step-by-step instructions and hands-on activities to help children master Scratch coding.
- Scratch Clubs and Workshops: Many libraries, community centers, and after-school programs host Scratch clubs and workshops, allowing kids to learn in a group setting with guidance from experienced mentors.
Is Scratch free to use?
Yes, scratch is completely free to use.
Can I create a game in Scratch without any coding experience?
Absolutely! Scratch is designed for beginners, and its drag-and-drop coding blocks make it easy to create games even if you have no prior coding experience.
Can I use Scratch on mobile devices?
Scratch works best on desktops and tablets. The mobile version has limited features, so it’s recommended to use a computer for full functionality.